
发布时间:2018-03-29 02:54:18

引 言

美国药典论坛USPPF43(2)中发布了关于残留溶剂药典方法确认和替代方法验证的新通则<1467>Residual Solvents- Verification of Compendial Procedures and Validation of Alternative Procedures。在这份通则中规定了在对残留溶剂方法进行确认和验证时包括的内容和可接受限度,对从事质量研究的人员具有指导意义。

前 言

通则<1467>规定USP<467>中1类、2类残留溶剂的方法学验证范围应在其浓度范围的50%~150%内,其中程序A和程序B中对照品溶液配制方法见USP<467>中Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvent项下。


替代方法(Alternative Procedures)包括与<467>中规定不同的方法或调整范围超出了USP<621>规定的方法。替代方法应经过充分验证,推荐的验证(限度测定或定量测定)规定详见本章Validation of Alternative Procedures项下规定,概要见表1。

Table1. Summary of Verification and Validation Requirements

表1. 方法确认和验证要求

Limit Procedures:  Procedure A and Procedure B


The analytical characteristics to be verified include specificity, detectability, and solution stability.





Prepare a reagent blank.配制空白溶剂

Prepare Standard solutions as described in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles.

对照品溶液(Standard solutions)按残留溶剂467中Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents(1、2类残留溶剂)、Screening of Water-Soluble Articles(水溶性样品)和Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles(水不溶性样品)项下方法配制。

Prepare the Spiked sample solution as described for Class 1 System suitability solution in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles.

加标溶液(Spiked sample solution)按残留溶剂467中Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents(1、2类残留溶剂)、Screening of Water-Soluble Articles(水溶性样品)和Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles(水不溶性样品)项下方法配制。

Specificity 专属性

Recommended acceptance criteria: Thereagent blank does not produce any significant interference with any of the peaks of the Standard solutions. The procedure must be able to separate acetonitrile and methylene chloride (Procedure A in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles), or acetonitrile and cis-dichloroethene (Procedure B in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles) with are solution of NLT 1.0.


Detection Limit (see Table 1,Footnote a) 检测限(见表1,脚注a)

Recommended acceptance criteria: The mean signal-to-noise ratio for each solvent in the Standard solution and Spiked sample solution (after correction for native solvent content) from at least three determinations from a single preparation is NLT 3.


Solution Stability溶液稳定性

Recommended acceptance criteria: Detection limit should meet the requirements throughout the testing period.




Samples 样品

Prepare a reagent blank. 配制空白溶剂

Prepare Standard solution(s) and Sample solution(s) as described in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles depending on the specific sample solubility using only those solvents likely to be present (LTBP).

对照品溶液(Standard solutions)和样品溶液(Sample solution)根据可能存在溶剂的可能性按残留溶剂467中Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents(1、2类残留溶剂)、Screening of Water-Soluble Articles(水溶性样品)和Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles(水不溶性样品)项下方法配制。

Prepare Spiked sample solution(s) asdescribed in Quantitative Procedures: Procedure C for solvents LTBP (corrected for native solvent content).

加标溶液(Spiked sample solution)按可能存在的溶剂(根据实际含量校正)定量测定程序C项下方法配制。


Recommended acceptance criteria: The reagent blank does not produce any significant interference with any of the peaks from solvents LTBP.


The procedure must be able to separate each of the solvents in the Standard solution(s) from each other and from other peaks in the Spiked sample solution with a resolution of NLT 1.0. If the resolution between any pair of peaks is less than 1.5, then verification must demonstrate that the method is suitable for its intended use.


If the solvents present in the Standard solution(s) are not separated with a resolution of NLT 1.0 when using the Chromatographic System of Procedure A, then Procedure B in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles should be used as confirmatory.


Detection Limit定量限

Recommended acceptance criteria: The mean signal-to-noise ratio for each solvent in the Standard solution and the Spiked sample solution (after correction for native solvent content) from at least three determinations from a single preparation is NLT 3.


SolutionStability 溶液稳定性

Recommended acceptance criteria (not required if only running fresh solutions): Detection limit for limit tests and quantitation limit for quantitative tests should be met throughout the testing period.


Quantitative Procedures: Procedure C 定量程序:程序C

[NOTE—When performing Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2Residual Solvents, 8.5 Quantitative Tests—Procedure C, solvents LTBP are typically known, either based on results from Procedure A or Procedure B in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles or based on available knowledge. The analytical characteristics to be verified include specificity, accuracy (which addresses quantitation limit), range, repeatability, and solution stability.]



Preparea reagent blank.配制空白溶剂

Standard stock solution: Prepare a solution containing each solvent LTBP or each peak identified and verified by Procedure A and Procedure B in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles, with a concentration asdescribed in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.5 Quantitative Tests—Procedure C for water-soluble articles or water-insoluble articles, as appropriate.

对照品储备溶液:配制包含可能存在的所有溶剂或根据程序A和程序B所确定的溶剂峰的溶液。方法见残留溶剂467中Class 1 and Class 2Residual Solvents(1、2类残留溶剂)、Quantitative Tests—Procedure C for water-soluble articles(水溶性样品) or water-insoluble articles(水不溶性样品)项下方法配制。

Sample stock solution: Prepare as described in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles. 

样品储备液:按残留溶剂467中Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents(1、2类残留溶剂)、Screening of Water-Soluble Articles(水溶性样品)和Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles(水不溶性样品)项下方法配制。

Spiked sample solution: Prepare as described in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.5 Quantitative Tests—Procedure C, using the Standard stock solution. 

加标溶液:残留溶剂467中Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents(1、2类残留溶剂)、Quantitative Tests—Procedure C使用对照品储备液配制。

Spiked sample solutions A, B, C, etc.: Prepare Spiked sample solutions with the sample matrix and spiked with each solvent LTBP or identified and verified by Procedure A and Procedure B in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles, in triplicate, at NLT 3 levels covering the range of interest or at least 50%–150% of the corresponding concentration of the Standard solution as described for Procedure A in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening of Water-Insoluble Articles. [NOTE—The Spiked sample solution may be used as one of the solutions.]



Recommended acceptance criteria: The procedure must be able to separate each of the solvents in the Standard solution(s) from each other and from other peaks inthe Spiked sample solution with a resolution of NLT 1.0. If the resolution between any pair of peaks is less than 1.5, then verification must demonstrate that the method is suitable for its intended use.


If the solvents present in the Standard solution(s) are not separated with a resolution of NLT 1.0, then chromatography described for Procedure B in Residual Solvents 〈467〉, 8. Analytical Procedures for Class 1 and Class 2 Residual Solvents, 8.2 Screening of Water-Soluble Articles or 8.3 Screening ofWater-Insoluble Articles should be used as confirmatory.


Quantitation Limit定量限

Recommended acceptance criteria: The mean signal-to-noise ratio for each solvent in the Standard solution and the Spiked sample solution (after correction for native solvent content) from at least three determinations is NLT 10, or the Quantitation Limit may be demonstrated by Accuracy.



Recommended acceptance criteria: The mean recovery for Spiked sample solutions A, B, and C, when calculated relative to the Spiked sample solution, is 80%–120% of the expected the oretical amount. [NOTE—Recoveries should be corrected for native content of any solvent under test.]



Useat least six independent Spiked sample solution preparations from the same lot, prepared as described for the Spiked sample solution under the Accuracy test above, or use nine independent preparations as described for Spiked sample solutions A, B, C, etc.


Recommended acceptance criteria: Relative standard deviation is NMT 20% for each solvent present.


Solution Stability: Demonstrate acceptable solution stability for the period of time to run the test.


Recommended acceptance criteria: NMT 20% variation




Chromatographic alternative procedures should meet the acceptance criteria for the analytical performance characteristics shown below. When non-chromatographic alternative procedures are validated, the analytical performance characteristics listed should be addressed, although, it may be appropriate to apply other analytical performance characteristics. For more information, refer to Validation of Compendial Procedures 〈1225〉.


Limit Procedures限度测定

Analytical characteristics to be validated are specificity, detection limit, and solution stability. The same criteria used for Verification when solvents LTBP are known, as described above, may be used.


Quantitative Procedures定量测定

Analytical characteristics to be validated are specificity, linearity and range, quantitation limit, accuracy, repeatability, intermediate precision, and solution stability.



Preparea reagent blank.配制空白溶剂。

Spiked sample solutions P, Q, R, etc.: Prepare Spiked sample solutions with the sample matrix and spiked with each solvent LTBP at NLT 5 levels covering the range of interest. [NOTE—Results should be corrected for native content of any solvent under test.]

加标溶液P, Q, R等:采用样品基质和可能存在的溶剂配制不少于5个浓度水平,至少覆盖目标范围(备注:结果应根据实际含量校正)。


Recommended acceptance criteria: The analytical procedure must have the ability to assess unequivocally the analytes of interest in the presence of the components expected to be present.


Linearity and Range 线性和范围

Recommended acceptance criteria: Perform linear regression analysis on the results for Spiked sample solutions P, Q, R, etc. The coefficient of determination, r2, isNLT 0.90.

推荐接受标准:通过对加标溶液 P, Q, R等进行线性回归分析,测定的相关系数r2应NLT0.90.

Quantitation Limit 定量限

Recommended acceptance criteria: The mean signal-to-noise ratio for each solvent in the Standard solution and the Spiked sample solution(after correction for native solvent content) from at least three determinations is NLT 10. The Quantitation Limit may also be demonstrated by Accuracy.



Recommended acceptance criteria: The mean recovery for each Spiked sample solution shouldbe 80%–120%. [NOTE—Recoveries should be corrected for native content of any solvent under test.]



Prepareat least six independent Spiked sample solution preparations from the same lot.


Recommended acceptance criteria: Relative standard deviation is NMT 20% for each solvent present.


Intermediate Precision中间精密度

Perform the Repeatability test over at least two independent events, for example on different days, and/or using different instruments and/or analysts.


Recommended acceptance criteria: Testing for intermediate precision should demonstrate that the method is suitable for its intended use.


Solution Stability: Standard solutions and Spiked sample solutions should be stable throughout the testing period.


Recommended acceptance criteria: NMT 20% variation (USP41)
