Introduction: 概述
This reflection paper aims to clarify some of the expectations of EU competent authorities arising from the guidance found in ICH Q11 (Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances (Chemical Entities and Biotechnological/Biological Entities)1 regarding the information to be submitted in marketing authorisation dossiers to justify the selection of starting materials.
Whilst ICH Q11 is not generally applicable to veterinary products, the principles outlined in this document should apply equally for active substances destined to treat both humans and animals. The document re-produces extracts from section 5 of ICH Q11 verbatim in black text, and provides subsequent commentary on EU expectations in the form of explanatory notes within grey-shaded boxes.
本思考文章目的是澄清由ICH Q11指南(原料药研发和生产(化学实体和生物技术/生物制品实体))引出的,关于上市许可文件提交的用于论述起始物料选择的资料中,欧盟药监机构的态度。尽管ICH Q11并没有普遍应用于兽药产品,在本文中列出的原则还是同样适用于人兽共用活性物质。文件中摘要的ICH Q11第5部分内容以黑体字表示,相应的欧盟态度的解说以注释形式放在灰色阴影方框中。
It should be recognised that this document is not intended as a revision of ICH Q11, and rather as a reflection paper within the EU medicines regulatory network as prepared by the Quality Working Party (QWP).
读者应知本文并无意作为ICH Q11的修订版本,而只是由质量工作组起草,反映了欧盟药监机构网络的思考的文章。
Problem statement: 问题说明
Disagreements between applicants and quality assessors on the suitability of proposed starting materials have become more frequent in recent times. This suggests that the current guidelines,1-3 intentionally high level to allow application to the wide range of chemical syntheses submitted to regulatory authorities, are open to interpretation. Furthermore, it is increasingly common for applicants to propose very short synthetic routes with complex custom-synthesized starting materials. Another trend is for some, or all, of the active substance manufacture to be outsourced to third parties. The use of external sources for any steps in a manufacturing process may lead to a higher degree of risk to quality of the active substance than would be expected were the full manufacturing process to be carried out by the applicant or a single active substance manufacturer alone. This document strives to expand on some of the points in ICH Q11 in order to harmonise opinions between assessors and clarify the requirements for applicants.
Additionally, the information submitted by applicants or Active Substance Master File (ASMF) holders to justify the selection of starting materials and their proposed specifications is often insufficient to allow adequate assessment of suitability.4 A detailed description of the manufacturing process of the active substance is required, along with a flow chart of transformations employed to synthesize starting materials including all solvents, reagents, catalysts and processing aids used, in order to facilitate a proper assessment. Since steps deemed critical should be carried out under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), an appraisal of the criticality of all transformations in the full synthetic route on the quality of the active substance is needed. The description of the manufacturing process should be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate that the process and its associated control strategy will consistently provide active substance of satisfactory quality. Starting materials can only be justified once the criticality of all steps has been discussed. Often, starting materials are selected and then only subsequent steps are discussed. This is not sufficient. A scheme of synthetic steps carried out to synthesize the proposed non-commodity starting materials should be provided as part of the justification of starting material selection.
ICH Q11 and explanatory notes: ICH Q11和解释
5. Selection of starting materials and source materials 起始物料和源物料选择
5.1 General principles 一般原则
5.1.1 Selection of starting materials for synthetic drug substances 合成原料药起始物料的选择
The following general principles should be considered in determining where the drug substance manufacturing process begins (i.e., in selecting starting materials).
• In general, changes in material attributes or operating conditions that occur near the beginning of the manufacturing process have lower potential to impact the quality of the drug substance;
• 一般来说,原料特性或操作条件的变化越是靠近生产工艺的起始端,则对原料药质量的影响可能性就越小
• The relationship between risk and number of steps from the end of the manufacturing process is the result of two factors, one concerning the physical properties of the drug substance and the other concerning the formation, fate, and purge of impurities. The physical properties of a drug substance are determined during the final crystallisation step and subsequent operations (e.g., milling, micronising), all of which occur at the end of the manufacturing process. Impurities introduced or created early in the manufacturing process typically have more opportunities to be removed in purification operations (e.g., washing, crystallisation of isolated intermediates) than impurities generated late in the manufacturing process, and are therefore less likely to be carried into the drug substance. However, in some cases (e.g., when peptides or oligonucleotides are synthesised on a solid support), there is a more limited relationship between risk and number of steps from the end of the manufacturing process;
• 风险与距生产工艺尾端步骤数之间的关系取决于2个因素,一个是原料药的物理特性,另一个是杂质的形成、去向和清除。原料药的物理特性是由最终结晶步骤和之后的操作决定的(例如,粉碎、微粉),所有这些都发生在生产工艺的尾端。相对生产工艺较后步骤产生的杂质,在较早的工艺步骤引入的杂质一般在精制操作中被清除的可能性更大(例如,洗涤、中间体分离结晶)。但是,在有些情况下(例如,在固体支架下合成的肽或寡核苷酸),风险与距生产工艺尾端步骤数之间的关系可能是比较有限的。
Explanatory note 1: 注释1
EU competent authorities need to see how the structure of the active substance is formed. A sufficient number of chemical transformation steps, as defined in the glossary of ICH Q11 (a step involved in the synthesis of the chemical structure of the drug substance from precursor molecular fragments. Typically it involves C-X or C-C bond formation or breaking), need to be included so that the generation, fate and control of impurities can be understood.
Recrystallisation and salt formation steps for late stage intermediates can significantly affect the impurity profile of the active substance. However, information on earlier synthetic steps is also necessary in order to understand the risk of impurity carryover and to demonstrate that the proposed control strategy sufficiently mitigates this risk. Therefore, neither recrystallisations nor salt formations are considered chemical transformation steps, and neither are activities unlikely to have an impact on API purity such as milling or sieving.
欧盟药监当局需要查看原料药的结构是如何形成的。如ICH Q11中的定义(从前体分子片断形成原料药化学结果合成所涉及的步骤),申报资料应包括有足够的化学转化步骤,以了解杂质的生成、去向和控制。后期步骤的中间体的重结晶和成盐步骤可以显著影响原料药的杂质谱。但是,也需要提交较早合成步骤的资料,以了解杂质被带入的风险,及证明所拟的控制策略足以转移该风险。因此,重结晶和成盐均不能被作为化学转化步骤,像粉碎或过筛这样的步骤也不太可能对原料纯度产生影响。
Furthermore, a sufficient number of purification steps need to be documented so that the fate and purge of impurities can be understood. Multiple synthetic transformations carried out in one vessel without intermediate isolations (sometimes referred to as telescoped steps or “one pot reactions”) provide fewer opportunities for purification than if isolation of intermediates were carried out. As with any complex reaction, a high number of variable parameters lead to a higher risk of producing active substance of variable quality. Regulators will therefore expect a commensurately high level of process understanding and control.
For these scientific reasons, short synthetic routes will not normally be accepted.
Explanatory note 2: 注释2
Generally, the detailed description of the manufacturing process (i.e. from the starting materials to the active substance) should cover all the synthetic steps critical to the quality of the active substance. Discussion on the formation, fate, and purge of both actual and
potential (i.e. those likely to be formed based on reaction mechanism, side reactions, degradants, as well as reagents, catalysts, and solvents used) impurities should be presented. To facilitate this, analytical techniques to detect and quantify actual and potential impurities are required.
The documentation presented should enable assessors to consider whether the manufacturing process is robust to variability, whether the process is well controlled and therefore whether it will consistently lead to active substance of appropriate quality. The specification of a starting material should contain suitable limits for known, unknown and total impurities and where appropriate, limits for solvents, reagents and catalysts used during its synthesis.
Critical Steps:2关键步骤
The controls applied to steps critical for active substance quality should be described in module 3.2.S.2.4 (part 2.C.1.1.2 for veterinary applications). A critical step is defined as one where the process conditions, test requirements or other relevant parameters must be controlled within pre-determined limits to ensure that the active substance meets its specification. Difficulties to remain within pre-determined limits for processing conditions or passing in-process control tests, as well as the consequences of any excursions, should be considered when identifying critical steps.
The criticality of a given step is related to its distance (in terms of synthetic steps) from the active substance, the subsequent processing and the overall control strategy being applied. The control strategy mitigates the risk associated with a given critical step, but does not necessarily affect its criticality. Examples of possible critical steps below should be considered in the context of the whole synthesis. The following list is neither exhaustive nor intended to imply that any such step would be mandatorily included in the manufacturing process of the active substance described in section 3.2.S.2.2 of the application (part 2.C.1.1.2 for veterinary applications).
Critical steps could be for instance:
• Steps involving formation and/or purge of key impurities – if a step purges an impurity which would otherwise be present in the active substance, then it should be considered critical. This could include not only reactive chemistry steps but work-ups, phase separations and crystallisations as well;
• 涉及关键杂质的形成和/或清除的步骤---如果一个步骤具有清除杂质的能力,一旦清除不了,该杂质就会被带入原料药,则该步骤应作为关键步骤。该类关键步骤不仅包括化学反应步骤,也包括后处理、分相和结晶步骤。
• Steps which introduce key structural features of the active substance, for example key functional groups or stereochemistry;
• 引入原料药特征关键结构的步骤,例如关键基团或立体化学结构
• Steps where careful control of stoichiometry, temperature, pH or other process variables is crucial for active substance quality;
• 立体化学、温度、pH值或其它工艺变更的控制对原料药质量至关重要的步骤
• Steps which employ or generate genotoxic compounds;
• 采用或产生基因毒性化合物的步骤
• Steps which employ class I solvents and/or toxic metals;
• 采用一类溶剂和/或有毒金属的步骤
• Complex chemical transformations where multiple variables could impact reaction outcome (multiple reagents, catalysts, solvents, etc.)
• 有多个变量会影响反应结果的复杂化学转化(多试剂、催化剂、溶剂等)
• The final purification step.
• 最终纯化步骤
The applicant/manufacturer should discuss and identify those manufacturing steps that impact the impurity profile of the active substance as they should be normally included in the manufacturing process described in section 3.2.S.2.2 of the application (part 2.C.1.1.2 for veterinary applications).
An approach could be to control certain parameters in the specification of a starting material (e.g. enantiomeric purity, genotoxic impurity limits). The acceptability of such proposals will depend on the proximity of a given starting material to the active substance, and thus, the risk to active substance quality.
Steps which have an impact on solid-state properties are always considered as critical, particularly, if the active substance is used within a solid dosage form, since they may adversely affect dissolution of the active substance thereby affecting bioavailability.
Tests and acceptance criteria, with justification based on experimental data, performed at critical steps identified in 3.2.S.2.2 of the manufacturing process, should be provided (part 2.C.1.1.2 for veterinary applications).
The opportunity to justify a short synthetic sequence exists but this should be for clear scientific reasons and is expected to be the exception rather than the norm. In such cases, steps to synthesize the starting materials should be demonstrated not to be critical (as defined above) to the quality of the active substance, and steps to avoid contamination from non-GMP steps should be integral to the control strategy.
1. Manufacturing steps that impact the impurity profile of the drug substance should normally be included in the manufacturing process described in Section 3.2.S.2.2 of the application.
Explanatory note 3: 注释3
It therefore follows that steps critical for the purity of the active substance should be performed under GMP, which forms an integral part of any control strategy.
Each branch of a convergent drug substance manufacturing process begins with one or more starting materials. The Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) provisions described in ICH Q7 apply to each branch beginning with the first use of a starting material. Performing manufacturing steps under GMP together with an appropriate control strategy provides assurance of quality of the drug substance.
如果原料药生产工艺有多个支链,则每个支链追溯至其使用起始物料起都适用ICH Q7的GMP条款。在GMP条件下实施生产步骤和适当的控制策略一起为原料药质量提供保证。
Explanatory note 4: 注释4
In the EU, the requirements of GMP for Active Substances (ICH Q7)5 have been incorporated into “The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union, Volume 4, Good Manufacturing Practice, Part II: Basic Requirements for Active Substances used as Starting Materials”.6
在欧盟,原料药GMP的要求(ICH Q7)已经结合入欧盟药品管理法第4卷,GMP,第二部分用作起始物料的原料药的基本要求。
For active substances, GMP applies to a manufacturing process from the introduction of starting materials and makes a major contribution to any control strategy.
GMP guidelines are intended to help ensure that active substances meet the requirements for quality and purity that they are claimed to possess.
EU Authorities are concerned that introduction of impurities into the active substance from non-GMP manufacture, (e.g. from poor cleaning of vessels previously used for other purposes or
inadequate control of processes), which would not necessarily be picked up by routine analytical testing is a significant risk. The fewer synthetic steps carried out under GMP, the higher the risk to the quality of the active substance.
The control strategy in place for a given manufacturing route mitigates the risk associated with the manufacturing process and assures the quality of the active substance. The control strategy ensures the individual batch quality, but relies on GMP to ensure that the conditions necessary for the validity of the control strategy do not change over time. It does not follow that a short route of synthesis can be accepted if a good control strategy is in place, nor that a poor control strategy can be compensated by a longer synthetic route carried out under GMP. Specifications of starting materials, intermediates and the active substance, reaction parameters (stoichiometry, temperature, pH, reaction times, etc.), in-process controls, release testing, and working under GMP all form an integral part of the control strategy.
Although there are no objections to the manufacturers of starting materials operating under the principles of GMP, statements from applicants/manufacturers such as “we commit to carrying out manufacture of starting materials to GMP and are willing to be inspected” are not acceptable since production of the API starting material is currently excluded from application of the EU GMP Guide. Furthermore there is no current regulatory framework for inspection and no transparency exists for applicants and inspectors in steps prior to the starting materials. Likewise, assessors will not accept third party confidential information, sometimes proposed by starting material or intermediate manufacturers or suppliers of any raw materials used in the synthetic process, in order to seek approval of an advanced intermediate as a starting material. Any acceptance of GMP declarations of this nature would not translate to the lifecycle of the product where subsequent changes in the supply chain or to steps prior to the starting materials may not be subject to the same declarations which could neither be requested nor enforced.
尽管并不反对起始物料的生产商在GMP原则下操作,申报人/生产商出具声明如“我们承诺在GMP条件下生产起始物料,我们愿意接受检查”是不会被接受的,因为原料药起始物料的生产现在不在EU GMP指南的适用范围内。并且,现在也没有检查程序,起始物料之前的步骤对于申报人和检查人来说也并不透明。同样的,审阅人员不会接受第三方的保密资料,这些提议有时是由起始物料或中间体生产商或合成工艺所用原料的供应商提出的,目的是将一个高级中间体作为起始物料。如果说曾经接受过这类的GMP声明,那么并不表示在产品的生命周期都是需要的,也就是说如果之后对供应链有变更,或对起始物料前的生产步骤有变更,可以不需要提交相同的声明。当局不会要求或强制提交该声明。
Once approved, any subsequent change to the synthetic route involving re-definition of the starting materials must be proposed, justified and assessed according to same principles outlined in this reflection paper. Statements such as “this intermediate or starting material can be supplied by other qualified suppliers” cannot be accepted unless details of their source are provided and then only after regulatory assessment.
The practice of shortening some of the branches of an approved synthetic route through the submission of updates or variations to an ASMF, to a CEP dossier or to Module 3.2.S (part 2.C.1.1 for veterinary applications), is often linked to the contracting out of part of the synthetic route. That means redefinition of what was previously an intermediate to be the new starting material. Accepting the new proposed starting material however, reduces regulatory oversight and may weaken the control strategy. This is especially important when linked to further lifecycle changes in the supply chain which may adversely affect the overall quality of the active substance. The shortening of manufacturing processes is therefore unlikely to be considered acceptable without a strong scientific rationale.
• A starting material should be a substance of defined chemical properties and structure. Non-isolated intermediates are usually not considered appropriate starting materials;
• 一种起始物料应该具有明确的化学特性和化学结构。没有分离出的中间体一般不能考虑作为适当的起始物料。
• A starting material is incorporated as a significant structural fragment into the structure of the drug substance. “Significant structural fragment” in this context is intended to distinguish starting materials from reagents, solvents, or other raw materials. Commonly available chemicals used to create salts, esters or other simple derivatives should be considered reagents.
• 一种起始物料作为重要结构片断,结合到原料药的结构中。本处“重要的结构片断”意在将起始物料与试剂、溶剂或其它原料区分开来。通常容易获得的化学品,用于生成盐、酯或其它简单衍生物的应作为是试剂。
Explanatory note 5: 注释5
The term “significant structural fragment” is frequently misinterpreted by applicants as meaning structural proximity to the active substance. In this context however, the phrase applies to materials which contribute to the final molecular structure of the active substance, as opposed to reagents, catalysts, or solvents. Justification of a late intermediate as starting material by claiming it is a significant structural fragment is not considered a valid argument as this could apply to any intermediate in the manufacturing process.