2017年版EMA《化学原料药生产起始物料的选择和论证要求思考》 (中英文对照)下

发布时间:2017-08-18 19:07:32

All the general principles above should be considered in selecting Starting Material(s), rather than strictly applying each general principle in isolation (see Example 4, Section 10.4).


Explanatory note 6: 注释6


Scientific reasoning with appropriate justification, considering the whole synthetic approach and control strategy, and incorporating all the various principles outlined above, should be used in order to justify the selection of the starting materials. Often, applicants/manufacturers will select just a few criteria and use them to justify starting material selection, e.g.: “Compound X is a well-characterised isolated material of defined chemical properties and structure, and constitutes a significant structural fragment of the active substance. Therefore it is selected as a starting material as per ICH Q11.” This line of argumentation is not comprehensive and therefore not acceptable. Control strategy alone is not a sufficient justification of a starting material. Equally, a long synthetic process will not necessarily compensate for a poor control strategy.

在论述起始物料的选择时,要采用适当的科学原理进行论述,考虑整个合成方法和控制策略,结合上列所有各类原则。通常,申报人/生产商会选择少数几个标准,使用它们对起始物料的选择进行论述,例如,“化合物X特性清楚,被分离,具有清楚的化学特性和结构,成为原料药的重要结构片断,因此根据ICH Q11它被选择作为起始物料”。这样的论述不够全面,因此不会被接受。仅仅只有控制策略的话,是不足以作为起始物料的论证依据的。同样,合成路线很长并不能弥补很差的控制策略

5.1.2 Selection of starting materials for semi-synthetic drug substances 半合成原料药的起始物料的选择


Explanatory note 7: 注释7


It is re-emphasised that a semi-synthetic starting material should comply with the general principles for starting materials already discussed above and summarised in explanatory note 6. If the fermentation step or extraction step is considered to be critical following the definition in explanatory note 2, and considering the potential for variability in fermentation process or extraction step, then it should be carried out under GMP.

5.2 Submission of information for starting material or source material 起始物料或来源物料的资料提交



Explanatory note 8: 注释8


Information on the manufacturers and suppliers of starting materials should be provided, including name and address, and a scheme of the synthetic route used to manufacture them, showing all reagents, catalysts and solvents used. Without this information, the suitability of specifications cannot be adequately assessed.


The specification for a starting material should address impurities and is expected to consider suitable limits for known, unknown impurities and total impurities and where appropriate, limits for solvents, reagents and catalysts used during synthesis of a starting material. The acceptance criteria should be established based on origin, fate and purge of impurities present in the starting material, and where appropriate, should be designed to detect isomeric or other impurities which are potentially reactive and which may be carried through to the active substance.


Analytical methods used should be validated. A tabulated summary of the results of the validation carried out should be provided if critical for the quality of the active substance However, it is not necessary to provide a validation report.


5.2.1 Justification of starting material selection for synthetic drug substances 合成原料药起始物料选择的论证


The applicant should provide a justification for how each proposed starting material is appropriate in light of the general principles for the selection of starting materials outlined above in Section 5.1.1. This can include information on:


• The ability of analytical procedures to detect impurities in the starting material

• 分析方法可以检测到起始物料中的杂质

• The fate and purge of those impurities and their derivatives in subsequent processing steps

• 这些杂质及其在之后工艺步骤中的衍生物的去向和清除,

• How the proposed specification for each starting material will contribute to the control strategy

• 所拟的各起始物料的质量标准如何实现控制策略

Explanatory note 9: 注释9


The suitability of a starting material needs to be justified against the principles in section 5.1 as a whole, rather than against selected individual bullet points. Critical to satisfactory justification of a starting material, and for the assessment of the justification, is the description of the formation, fate and purge of impurities. The dossier must contain an appropriate discussion on known and unknown impurities including residual solvents, catalysts, metals and reagents. The starting material specifications should include tests and acceptance criteria for specified, unspecified and total impurities (including (potential) genotoxins) and where appropriate, limits for solvents, reagents and catalysts used during their synthesis. An inadequate discussion on impurities renders evaluation of the proposed starting materials and their specifications impossible.


The applicant should provide, as part of the justification, a flow diagram outlining the current synthetic route(s) for the manufacture of the drug substance, with the proposed starting materials clearly indicated. Changes to the starting material specification and to the synthetic route from the starting material to final drug substance are subject to regional, post-approval change requirements. In addition, regional requirements concerning starting material suppliers may also be applicable.



Explanatory note 10: 注释10


The quality of the proposed starting material must be sufficient, in combination with the control strategy, to ensure the quality of the active substance. The manufacturing route of a starting material and information on manufacturers* should also be provided to allow an adequate assessment of the suitability of starting materials and their specification. If any synthetic steps used to manufacture the starting materials are considered critical and are either close to the active substance (in terms of number of synthetic steps) or impact its impurity profile, then the re-definition of starting materials to an earlier point should be considered, bearing in mind the whole synthetic route and the control strategy (see explanatory note 2).


It is emphasized that it is the legal responsibility of the marketing authorisation holder to maintain the quality of the active substance throughout its lifecycle. Implicit in this is that changes to the synthetic route to the starting materials should always be assessed for their impact on the quality of the active substance, and any resultant modifications such as changes to specifications or manufacturers of the starting material(s) should be applied for by way of appropriate variations. The active substance manufacturer, which may frequently be independent of the applicant, has a very important role to play in this and is also responsible for ensuring the quality of the active substance it manufactures.


* When ICH Q11 mentions starting material suppliers, this is interpreted within the EU as manufacturers.

当ICH Q11提到起始物料供应商时,在EU内是作为生产商来解释的。

An applicant generally need not justify the use of a commercially available chemical as a starting material. A commercially available chemical is usually one that is sold as a commodity in a pre-existing, non-pharmaceutical market in addition to its proposed use as starting material. Chemicals produced by custom syntheses are not considered to be commercially available. If a chemical from a custom synthesis is proposed as a starting material, it should be justified in accordance with the general principles for the selection of starting materials outlined above in Section 5.1.1.



In some instances, additional purification steps by the drug substance manufacturer might be called for to ensure the consistent quality of a commercially available starting material. In these instances, the additional purification steps should be included as part of the description of the drug substance manufacturing process. Specifications should normally be provided for both incoming and purified starting material.


Explanatory note 11: 注释11


A statement that a material is commercially available may not be considered sufficient to justify it as a starting material without additional supporting information. It is the responsibility of the applicant to show that a commercially available starting material is not custom synthesised, but a commodity material used in a non-pharmaceutical market, and to provide supportive documentation in the dossier demonstrating so. It is also a requirement to demonstrate that the quality of a commercially available starting material is adequate for use in the manufacture of an active substance. To enable the assessment of any requirement for further purification of a commercially available material, the information on the impurity profile should be presented for assessment.


5.2.2 Justification of starting material selection for semi-synthetic drug substances 半合成原料药起始物料选择的论证


If an isolated intermediate is proposed as the starting material for a semi-synthetic drug substance, the applicant should provide a justification that explains how the proposed starting material complies with the general principles for the selection of starting materials outlined above in Section 5.1.1. Otherwise, the applicant should describe the manufacturing process starting from the microorganism or botanical material, as appropriate, and these materials should be qualified.


References: 参考文献


1. ICH Guideline Q11 on Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances (chemical entities and biotechnological / biological entities) CHMP/ICH/425213/2011 (ICH Q11) ICH Q11原料药研发和生产指南(化学实体和生物技术/生物实体)

2. Chemistry of New Active Substances (CPMP/QWP/130/96, Rev 1) 新活性物质的化学部分

3. Chemistry of active substances 3AQ5A 活性物质化学部分

4. Active substance-master-file procedure CHMP/QWP/227/02 活性物质主文件程序

5. ICH Guideline Q11 on Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients CPMP/ICH/4106/00 (ICH Q7) ICH Q11 活性药用成份GMP指南

6. The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union, Volume 4, Good Manufacturing Practice, Part II: Basic Requirements for Active Substances used as Starting Materials EU GMP第二部分:作为起始物料的活性物质的基本要求